Below i am going to document some simple and very useful commands for asterisk. These commands will help you gather important information that can help you diagnose an asterisk based system. First enter the asterisk console: asterisk -vvvvvvvvvr Global Commands Show the entre asterisk dial plan dialplan show SIP Commands Viewing all sip peer status…
Tag: IAX
Setting up DNS SRV for services like SIP and IAX…
This is a copy and paste from which helped me on a recent project… All credits go to the author of the post oej… DNS SRV A Domain Name Server (DNS) SRV record helps connecting to a SIP user in a similar way that an MX record helps email delivery. When you send email…
Simple inexpensive home VoIP System with AskoziaPBX…
I thought i would share with you what i use as my home voip system, i have no big requirements for my telephone system just to be able to dial out, get calls in and if im not at home for calls to be routed to my mobile or voicemail and emailed to me. My…
Asterisk firewall and some useful tips….
So you have just installed asterisk on a linux system, and maybe you have also installed FreePBX to administer it, good for you. Firewalls.. Below i have listed a nice firewall script for use on a fresh centos+Asterisk installation. service iptables restart iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -F iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT…
Is VoIP for you…?
Lets start by asking this question a differant way… Do you want to save money on the cost of a phone system, in installation and ongoing line rental costs as compared to a Traditional Lines based system? So if the answer to this is yes your next task is to find the right VoIP installation…