The Pound program is a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s). Pound was developed to enable distributing the load among several Web-servers and to allow for a convenient SSL wrapper for those Web servers that do not offer it natively. Pound is distributed under the GPL – no warranty, it’s free to use, copy and give away….
Category: How To Guides
Here you will find how to guides either video links from my YouTube VLog site or just hand writen
ZFS Replication…
As I’ve been investigating ZFS for use on production systems, I’ve been making a great deal of notes, and jotting down little “cookbook recipies” for various tasks. One of the coolest systems I’ve created recently utilised the zfs send & receive commands, along with incremental snapshots to create a replicated ZFS environment across two different…
Jailbreak Apple TV… with seas0npass
REPOSTED FROM : Seas0nPass supports a tethered jailbreak of the current 4.4.4 (iOS 5.0.1 – 9A406a) software or an untethered jailbreak of the previous 4.3 (iOS 4.3 – 8F455) software. The current version of Seas0nPass will default to an untethered jailbreak for the 4.3 (iOS 4.3 – 8F455) version. An untethered jailbreak means the steps listed under the “Using…
Setting up DNS SRV for services like SIP and IAX…
This is a copy and paste from which helped me on a recent project… All credits go to the author of the post oej… DNS SRV A Domain Name Server (DNS) SRV record helps connecting to a SIP user in a similar way that an MX record helps email delivery. When you send email…
Finding a File containing a particular text string in Linux server…
You need to use grep command. grep searches the given input FILEs for lines containing grep command form (syntax)amatch or a text string. grep “text string to search” directory-path Examples For example search for a string called redeem reward in all text files located in /home/tom/*.txt directory, use $ grep “redeem reward” /home/tom/*.txt Task: Search…
Stress testing asterisk… with SIPP….
Introduction This guide will talk about how to stress test an asterisk installation, IE generate calls with in asterisk so you can see at what point your system will start to give bad audio out to a caller. First things first for this you will need: 1 asterisk 1.4 or 1.6 or later installation of…
Simple way to protect asterisk from being hacked… FAIL2BAN…..
Introduction This guide will detail how to install fail2ban on a centos 32bit system with asterisk installed. It is intended to allow you to add an extra level of protection from your asterisk PBX from being hacked. Fail2ban will guard against most services such as SSH and SMTP however this guide will concentrate on protecting asterisk The…
Configuring a snom 3xx to work with a SIP based PBX…
Introduction and Background. This ‘How to’ guide will guide you through setting up a snom phone for an IP-PBX or SIP Based Telephony Service. When you first plug in your snom 3xx IP Phone it will show some information on the LCD screen one being the MAC address the other being the IP address, please…
DHCP Relaying over IPSEC with a back end Centos 5.5 server…
Introduction This post is going to be a high level over view of having multiple sites all connecting back to a central office or hosted server in a data center using IPSEC VPN. Before starting make sure you have a IPSEC VPN tunnel up to the office or data center and validate connection both to…
Open Source Network Attached Storage with FreeNAS…
The FreeNAS distribution is tailor-made for installation in a small office environment. It is an extremely low-resource network storage system that you can administer through a Web browser, but it supports high-end features like automatic backups, replication, LDAP or Active Directory authentication, and seamless file-sharing over NFS, CIFS, AFP, and even FTP and TFTP. The latest release…