This is a copy and paste from which helped me on a recent project… All credits go to the author of the post oej… DNS SRV A Domain Name Server (DNS) SRV record helps connecting to a SIP user in a similar way that an MX record helps email delivery. When you send email…
Category: Usefully Found Stuff
Stress testing asterisk… with SIPP….
Introduction This guide will talk about how to stress test an asterisk installation, IE generate calls with in asterisk so you can see at what point your system will start to give bad audio out to a caller. First things first for this you will need: 1 asterisk 1.4 or 1.6 or later installation of…
Simple way to protect asterisk from being hacked… FAIL2BAN…..
Introduction This guide will detail how to install fail2ban on a centos 32bit system with asterisk installed. It is intended to allow you to add an extra level of protection from your asterisk PBX from being hacked. Fail2ban will guard against most services such as SSH and SMTP however this guide will concentrate on protecting asterisk The…
Simple inexpensive home VoIP System with AskoziaPBX…
I thought i would share with you what i use as my home voip system, i have no big requirements for my telephone system just to be able to dial out, get calls in and if im not at home for calls to be routed to my mobile or voicemail and emailed to me. My…
Are you a “Hacker”…? If so check out Nottinghack…..
What is a hacker… Contra to popular belief the word “Hacker” does not implicitly mean someone who sits there trying to gain access to a computer system. A “Hacker” is someone that spends vast amounts of time devoted to one particular task or project, this task or project could be gaining access to a computer system or just…
Passwords….. Website Security…..
Ok i like to use strong passwords for applications, computers, routers etc, however im afriad that i appear to be alone inthat. I was asked to look at a website and see if i could do any damage to it, de-face it, bring it down etc just some simple things to illustrate if the website was…
Usefull and Free Alternative Software (Open Source)
Below i list some very usefull but free open source software: Network Stuff M0n0wall – Router PFSense – Router (Based on M0n0wall) Smoothwall – Router FreeNAS – NAS Server Untangle – Webfilter CloneZilla – Hard Drive/Network Cloning Nagios – Network Monitoring WireShark – Protocal Analyzer Real VNC – Remote Support Tool FOG – Network Cloning…
Your DNS settings at a glance
Recently while setting up the and doing some trouble shooting on DNS related maters for another company, System i found my self haivng a lot of DOS boxes open with NSLOOKUP running and thought to my self, would’nt it be nice if there was someway of seeing the status of a DNS server at…